em ti me vejo
SESC Pompeia - 2021
Comic created for SESC Pompeia’s “Quadro a Quadro” (Frame by Frame) project, an initiative where one artist is invited every month to create an original comic for SESC's Instagram.
The comic has 4 chapters, published over a month, one chapter per week, every tuesday. “The Ants Did It” was published throughout the month of October, 2021.
An english version of the comic will be uploaded as soon as possible, so for now feel free to enjoy the images! If you speak portuguese, it can be read below!
I See Myself In You, 2023
Has anyone ever told you that, to be beautiful, you had to suffer? At some point in your life, have you wanted to change something about your body to feel beautiful and accepted? I See Myself In You is a story of soul-searching and self-knowledge, that deals with some situations of racism experienced by one of the authors from her childhood untill adulthood. Witness up close the feelings and motivations that made her go through the hair transition, accept her curly hair and start a new journey. With text by Regiane Braz and drawings by Marília Marz, the comic now arrives in printed version and also has exclusive extras for the Conrad edition.
Compre aqui "Em Ti Me Vejo" e leia a história completa!

Em Ti Me Vejo rendeu um prêmio HQ Mix para Regiane Braz, na categoria "Novo Talento-Roteirista", além de uma indicação na categoria "Edição Especial Nacional" e "Desenhista Nacional", para Marília Marz