tarifa social de energia elétrica
SESC Pompeia - 2021
Comic created for SESC Pompeia’s “Quadro a Quadro” (Frame by Frame) project, an initiative where one artist is invited every month to create an original comic for SESC's Instagram.
The comic has 4 chapters, published over a month, one chapter per week, every tuesday. “The Ants Did It” was published throughout the month of October, 2021.
An english version of the comic will be uploaded as soon as possible, so for now feel free to enjoy the images! If you speak portuguese, it can be read below!

Pólis Institute + IDEC (Consumer Protection Institute), 2021.
Pandemic, economic crisis, unemployment and the never-ending bills, right? According to a survey by Poder 360, the price of residential electricity bills increased by more than 100% between 2013 and 2021. But did you know that, in some cases, it is possible to pay a little less? In this comic, we explain who is entitled to the "social rate" and how you can join the program.
The comic was created in partnership with the Pólis Institute and IDEC and distributed in some neighborhoods of São Paulo, such as Heliópolis and Paraisópolis.